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無敗を誇る格闘術「クルダ流交殺法」の使い手ガウ・バンと、その師であり姉であり、そしてクルダの最高位闘士・修練闘士(セヴァール)として“影技(シャドウ=スキル)”の字(あざな)を持つエレ・ラグ。しかし、彼らこそが、封印されし“陰”の技を継ぎ、クルダの2000年無敗伝説を打ち破る者だった――!? 流麗美麗なタッチで描かれる唯一無二の“格闘伝奇”、再び! 読む者の血を熱くするバトル漫画の最高峰!



「我が影技にかなう者なし」。無敗を誇る格闘術「クルダ流交殺法」の使い手ガウ・バン。彼は師であり姉でもあるエレ・ラグとともに、数多の強敵との出会いと別れを通じ「強さ」の意味を学んでゆく――。ガウ対エレの死闘が始まる。師であり姉である女性。しかし、互いが闘士で「無敵」を求める者である以上、この闘いを避けることは許されない! 20年を越えて愛された“格闘伝記漫画”の最高峰、ついに完結!!



クルダ流交殺法陰流創始者にして、「虎の王」の異名を持つシア・カーン。ガウの実の父親であり、世界に混乱をもたらす元凶。その存在は、クルダ傭兵であるガウにとって倒すべき敵に他ならない。カイ・シンクに打ち勝ち、第60代修練闘士となったガウだったが、その実力差はあまりに歴然。だが、目の前でガウを庇った実母・リルベルトが倒され、怒りは頂点へ! 果たして、この最悪の敵に勝つための糸口はあるのか……!?









闘士としての実力と、魔導士の能力をあわせ持つカイ・シンク。肉体のダメージを瞬時に再生する、限りなく「神」に近い存在。エレ・ラグの教え「クルダの傭兵に後退はない」に従い、ガウが挑む! 勝利すれば第六十代修練闘士叙勲の栄誉、敗北すれば確実な死が待っている。今まで幾多の強敵と闘ってきたガウだが、それはあくまで「人」相手のことだった。この絶望的な状況を突破する術はあるのか!?



エレ・ラグとシャイル・ラィディン、二人の女闘士。無敗を誇る格闘術「クルダ流交殺法」の使い手ガウ・バンをめぐる二人の「姉」の死闘が、いま始まる! 常人の理解を超えた次元で繰り広げられる技の応酬の中、エレ・ラグ生誕の秘話、そして彼女がなぜ「無敵」であるのか、その理由が明かされる――――。そして、闘いの果て、ガウたちを待ち受けていた皮肉な運命とは……!?



傭兵王国「クルダ」の王は崩御し、行政官も数多く死に、王国は統率を欠く。そんな時、兵達が即位を求めたのは、エレ・ラグだった! しかし彼女は、当然、これを拒否。なんと自分の代わりにキュオ・リューを担ぎ出した! ――――そんな混乱の最中、クルダ闘技場地下ではフォウリンクマイヤーが魔導剣を使う謎の剣士と死闘を繰り広げていた! そして、明らかになった謎の剣士の正体は……!?



クルダ流陰流の襲撃によって壊滅的被害を受けた「傭兵王国クルダ」。ガウとエレは故国への援助を求めるため、使者として「森林王国リキトア」への旅に出た。だが、考えなしのエレのせいで持ち金は底をつく。仕方なく町で仕事を探すガウ。しかし、その仕事は「竜の角」をとってくることだった! 危機にさらされる中、出会った男・リンネ。飄々とした不思議な魅力を持つ彼に、ガウは人間的な憧れを感じてゆくが……。



クルダ流交殺法陰流の使い手・ゴーマの技「崩影」が、エレ・ラグを襲う! 強力な振動によって全ての物質を内より砕く「崩影」。「黒い咆哮」によって、なんとか致命傷は免れたエレ・ラグだったが、ダメージは大きく、最大のピンチに! ――――と、その時、ゴーマに無数の矢が放たれた。困惑するゴーマ。彼の前に現れたのは、キシュラナ王国封堰守護剣士であるリキュナ・オーだった。恩義あるエレ・ラグを救うために!



聖地ジュリアネスの戦火の、本当の狙いはクルダだった――! すべての戦力を聖地に向けさせた隙をつかれ、クルダは総攻撃を受ける! 2000年無敗の伝説を守るため、クルダ王にして55代目修練闘士「ホーク=アイ」がついに立ち上がる――!
SHADOW SKILL black howling

SHADOW SKILL black howling


「我が一撃は無敵なり!」――南の城塞都市・“傭兵王国”クルダ。そこには、“クルダ流交殺法”という格闘術を操る誇り高き闘士――その最高位に位置する修練闘士(セヴァール)であり、“シャドウ=スキル”の字名を持つ少女エレ・ラグとその弟ガウ・バンが暮していた。傭兵、呪符魔術師(スイレーム)、獣魔……次々と現れる敵との闘いのなかで知る人間の強さ、優しさとは? 岡田芽武が描く超絶格闘ファンタジー、開幕!!
SHADOW SKILL phantom of shade

SHADOW SKILL phantom of shade


四天滅殺の掟に背いたエレに下されたのは、期間限定の“追放処分”――! 聖王国アシュリアーナに不穏な空気が漂うなか、エレはガウたちと共に祖国クルダから旅立った。道中、強力な呪印によって囚われていた少女・フィリサイスを助けるが……!? 少女の命を狙う“魔女”がエレたちに忍び寄る! 「我が“影技”は無敵なり!」誇り高き闘士エレ・ラグとガウ・バンの超絶格闘ファンタジー!!
SHADOW SKILL black wing

SHADOW SKILL black wing


隣国ソーウルファンとの戦闘状態にある傭兵王国クルダに舞い込んだ“反乱”の報せ。かつて最高位闘士である修練闘士(セヴァール)だった男・G(ジー)が、祖国クルダに牙をむく! “最強”を求めるがゆえに血生臭い狂気に身をゆだねたGの目的とは……!? 「牙を持つ獣がその牙を振るうのに意味や理由が必要か!?」闘いのなかの出会いが少年を成長させる! ガウ&エレの超絶格闘ファンタジー!!
Bosses, Weapons and Skills in Shadow Warrior 2

Bosses, Weapons and Skills in Shadow Warrior 2

著:Przemysław Szczerkowski & GRY-Online S.A.

Shadow Warrior 2 is the second installment of the original, full of humor, game from the 90s. The game has been developed by the Polish Flying Wild Hog studio. In the game, you assume again the role of Lo Wang, who works for Yakuza. The game is full of action and opponents that can be eliminated using multiple melee and ranged weapons. This guide provides you with a detailed description of the interface and controls. You will learn general hints and valuable tips connected with combat. You will read descriptions of weapons, skills and characteristics of opponents. Also, you can use walkthrough for the main campaign, which focuses on the most difficult moments in the game and on boss battles. Also, you will learn about achievements available in the game and how to obtain them. 
This walkthrough has been created for the: Who Wants Wang difficulty level and all of the information contained here refer to that difficulty level. Also, you have to keep in mind that maps in the game are randomly generated, which means that the game surprises you with something new each time you play it. The guide shows how to complete the game in 100%, and contains a list of all available achievements. 
Best Video Game Guides by http://guides.gamepressure.com/
Self-Awareness: 3-in-1 Guide to Master Shadow Work, Facial Expressions, Self-Love & How to Be Charismatic

Self-Awareness: 3-in-1 Guide to Master Shadow Work, Facial Expressions, Self-Love & How to Be Charismatic

著:Lawrence Finnegan

Self-Awareness - 3 Manuscripts in 1 Book, Including: Body Language, Social Skills and Assertivenes.
7 Easy Steps to Master Nonverbal Communication, Reading People, Microexpressions & Improve Your Charisma.
·      Body Language- posture, gesture, and personal space 
·      Tone- pitch, mood, and inflection 
·      Touch- the good, the bad, and the science
·      Eye Contact- king of nonverbal, master of the face
·      Charisma and Cold Reading explained
And so much more!             
7 Easy Steps to Master Emotional Intelligence, Making Friends, Relationship Building & Interpersonal Skills.
·      Crash course on personal upkeep, including grooming, how you carry yourself, and develop social agility by nurturing confidence
Learning how to appreciate the forest without missing the trees: cliques, crowds and demographics and how labels apply to individuals and personal identity The big impact of small talk and how to turn even the most fleeting contact into a fast friend Demystify and articulate the intuitive, unspoken rules of making contacts and growing into friends Turning contacts into friends, friends into kin, and the fine art of growing closer ain general The value of heartfelt, difficult conversations and how to tackle them; growth is never easy, and we teach you how to push through Sometimes you must remove people from your life, and we teach you how to remove the toxic, as well as how to address problem behavior before it comes to that And so much more!  
7 Easy Steps to Master Assertive Social Confidence, Self-Esteem, Self-Awareness & Social Dynamics.
Boundaries not only keep you healthy but are crucial to the lesson Confidence in not only yourself but your ideas; practical lessons in developing it Preparation of these foundational practices will give you an edge Focus means never taking your eye off the prize; here is the breakdown Active listening isn't only looking aware but knowing others' perspective; here's how Validating others' feelings helps them and you; simple rules to keep in mind Compromise is strength; learn how to fuse, hybridize and weave ideas together And so much more!  
Master Shadow Work, Facial Expressions, Self-Love & How to Be Charismatic Today!
In the Shadow of the Towers

In the Shadow of the Towers

著:Douglas Lain

In the Shadow of the Towers compiles nearly twenty works of speculative fiction responding to and inspired by the events of 9/11, from writers seeking to confront, rebuild, and carry on, even in the face of overwhelming emotion.

Writer and editor Douglas Lain presents a thought-provoking anthology featuring a variety of award-winning and best-selling authors, from Jeff VanderMeer (Annihilation) and Cory Doctorow (Little Brother) to Susan Palwick (Flying in Place) and James Morrow (Towing Jehovah). Touching on themes as wide-ranging as politics, morality, and even heartfelt nostalgia, today’s speculative fiction writers prove that the rubric of the fantastic offers an incomparable view into how we respond to tragedy.

Each contributor, in his or her own way, contemplates the same question:

How can we continue dreaming in the shadow of the towers?

Skyhorse Publishing, under our Night Shade and Talos imprints, is proud to publish a broad range of titles for readers interested in science fiction (space opera, time travel, hard SF, alien invasion, near-future dystopia), fantasy (grimdark, sword and sorcery, contemporary urban fantasy, steampunk, alternative history), and horror (zombies, vampires, and the occult and supernatural), and much more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller, a national bestseller, or a Hugo or Nebula award-winner, we are committed to publishing quality books from a diverse group of authors.
The Shadow City

The Shadow City

著:Ryan Wieser

The Hunters of Infinity have guarded the Daharian galaxy for ages, but when betrayed, they can become a vicious enemy . . .
Jessop, the first woman to join the Hunters, has finally been reunited with those who mean the most to her. In her quest for vengeance, she has left many embittered and betrayed, chief among them Kohl O’Hanlon, the Hunter who once loved her.
Now, as the feared Falco Bane leads his forces into the Hunters’ territory, Kohl attempts to retaliate, flooding their infamous Shadow City with his own followers. Jessop must fight a war on two fronts, testing her commitment to the ones she loves and challenging her abilities as the most elite warrior among the Hunters. With the future of Daharia’s leadership at stake, Jessop is determined to protect those closest to her at all costs . But when allies turn into adversaries, the real threat comes from a place least expected . . .

“This thrilling, action-packed debut ties together strong characters with a building story line that will have readers clamoring for the next volume in this new series.”
—Library Journal, STARRED REVIEW, on The Glass Blade
Goldmining the Shadows

Goldmining the Shadows

著:Pixie Lighthorse

The world often encourages us to suppress pain; Goldmining the Shadows asks you to embrace it as a path to acceptance.

Through short and accessible chapters, you will learn to prioritize your healing by honoring the medicine of the wound, “to take responsibility for the parts of yourself you are most driven to deny—to be accountable for what might lie outside of your awareness.”

Pixie is the author of five books centered on self-healing through intimate relationship with the natural world. She is an enrolled member of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma and writes as Lighthorse to honor the unheard voices of her ancestors.

“Pixie cracks the door open to the shadowy places that exist within our hearts, and then allows us to walk through it with her steady hand as our guide. A beautiful, thoughtful read for the world today.”
— Missy Rhysing, Ritualcravt
The Shadows of Consumption

The Shadows of Consumption

著:Peter Dauvergne

An environmentalist maps the hidden costs of overconsumption in a globalized world by tracing the environmental consequences of five commodities.
The Shadows of Consumption gives a hard-hitting diagnosis: many of the earth's ecosystems and billions of its people are at risk from the consequences of rising consumption. Products ranging from cars to hamburgers offer conveniences and pleasures; but, as Peter Dauvergne makes clear, global political and economic processes displace the real costs of consumer goods into distant ecosystems, communities, and timelines, tipping into crisis people and places without the power to resist. In The Shadows of Consumption, Peter Dauvergne maps the costs of consumption that remain hidden in the shadows cast by globalized corporations, trade, and finance. Dauvergne traces the environmental consequences of five commodities: automobiles, gasoline, refrigerators, beef, and harp seals. In these fascinating histories we learn, for example, that American officials ignored warnings about the dangers of lead in gasoline in the 1920s; why China is now a leading producer of CFC-free refrigerators; and how activists were able to stop Canada's commercial seal hunt in the 1980s (but are unable to do so now). Dauvergne's innovative analysis allows us to see why so many efforts to manage the global environment are failing even as environmentalism is slowly strengthening. He proposes a guiding principle of “balanced consumption” for both consumers and corporations. We know that we can make things better by driving a high-mileage car, eating locally grown food, and buying energy-efficient appliances; but these improvements are incremental, local, and insufficient. More crucial than our individual efforts to reuse and recycle will be reforms in the global political economy to reduce the inequalities of consumption and correct the imbalance between growing economies and environmental sustainability.
Arlo Finch in the Kingdom of Shadows

Arlo Finch in the Kingdom of Shadows


“A thrilling adventure full of magic and wonder.” —Ransom Riggs, #1 New York Times–bestselling author of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children

Arlo Finch in the Kingdom of Shadows is a captivating fantasy-adventure story by master screenwriter John August.

After a harrowing summer camp, Arlo Finch is back in Pine Mountain, Colorado, preparing to face a new school, new threats, and two new Rangers in Blue Patrol.

Arlo is about to undertake his most dangerous journey yet: all the way to China to try to bring his father home.

But when the mysterious Eldritch reveal their true agenda, Arlo must make an impossible choice: save his friends and family, or save the Long Woods. Both worlds will never be the same.
Boundaries and Protection

Boundaries and Protection

著:Pixie Lighthorse

Boundaries and Protection moves beyond love and light, connecting the reader to the wisdom of the graceful and fiercely protective spirit of the Mountain Lion and offering powerful tools for those looking to explore and establish boundaries in their lives.

More than just a set of tools, however, Boundaries and Protection is a catalyst for change and healing, a path towards embracing who you’re meant to be. Prepare to be transformed by this book.

Pixie Lighthorse is the author of five books centered on self-healing through intimate relationship with the natural world. She is an enrolled member of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma and writes as Lighthorse to honor the unheard voices of her ancestors.

“Each of [Lighthorse’s] writings creates a touchpoint to spirit, a connection with heart space. This work is medicine for us all.”

— Elena Brower, author of Practice YouBeing You and Art of Attention
The Glass Blade

The Glass Blade

著:Ryan Wieser

The Hunters of Infinity have been protecting the Daharian galaxy for years, but there has never been a female Hunter—until now.
In a seedy bar in the shadowy corners of Daharia, Jessop comes to the rescue of young Hunter Kohl O’Hanlon. Impressed by her remarkable sword-wielding skills, the Hunters invite her to their training facility, the Glass Blade, though not all are pleased with the intrusion. But they soon discover that Jessop learned to fight from the rogue leader of the Shadow City of Aranthol—and escaped. Now they want to use her intimate knowledge of their enemy to destroy him.
As Jessop grows closer to this elite brotherhood, their leader succumbs to a mysterious ailment,  and Kohl learns that Jessop is hiding dark secrets, raising suspicions about the enigmatic woman who saved his life. Has the Hunters’ security been breached—or do they have a traitor in their ranks?
Allegiances will be questioned.
Loyalties will be betrayed.
Vengeance will be brutal.

"This thrilling, action-packed debut ties together a strong characters with a building story line that will have readers clamoring for the next volume in this new series." —Library Journal, STARRED REVIEW, on The Glass Blade
Dawn of the Hunters

Dawn of the Hunters

著:Ryan Wieser

Even the Hunters of Infinity are splintered when faced with the greatest battle in the Daharian galaxy’s history. . .
Jessop has proven herself to be an unstoppable force from Aranthol to Azgul, inarguably the fiercest warrior the Hunters have ever seen. And her abilities only seem to strengthen as her rage grows. With the two men she holds dear by her side—one good-souled, one with a treacherous past, and both deadly with a sword—she prepares to enter the most important fight of her life, with the most personal stakes yet . . .
Armies are divided and reforged, and battle lines are drawn. Blind loyalty drives some while others are sworn to protect the galaxy at all costs.
Bonds will be tested.
Lives will be lost.
Consequences will be devastating.
“This thrilling, action-packed debut ties together strong characters with a building story line that will have readers clamoring for the next volume in this new series.”
—Library Journal, STARRED REVIEW, on The Glass Blade

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