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ALL OUT!!(2)

ALL OUT!!(2)


ラグビー未経験の祇園健次は、高校の入学式で長身の石清水と、ラグビーに出会う。そして迎えた慶常高校戦、石清水の“覚醒”で神高(ジンコー)が反撃を開始! しかし、相手は神奈川ベスト4、そう簡単に流れを渡さない。白熱する戦いの行方は――!? キャラクターの魅力にのめり込み、試合の迫力に熱くなる。ラグビー未経験者も魅了する話題沸騰の青春楕円物語、白熱の第2巻!! 中川家・礼二さんも愛読!!!
ALL OUT!!(3)

ALL OUT!!(3)


「頭を使え。ラグビーは体の強さを競うスポーツじゃない」――合宿に突入した神高(ジンコー)ラグビー部にコーチとしてやって来た元日本代表・籠(こもり)。“教わること”を初めて知る赤山(せきざん)たちは、何を思い、何を得るのか――!? 聖地・花園でも話題となった本格高校ラグビー漫画!!!
ALL OUT!!(6)

ALL OUT!!(6)


神高(ジンコー)×慶常(けいじょう)の合同練習は、混成チームでの紅白戦に突入! 慶常の御幸(みゆき)と中学以来のコンビを組んだ石清水(いわしみず)は普段と違う一面を見せ、フランカーを目指す祇園(ぎおん)にも成長の兆しが。実りある合同練習を経て、盛り上がる神高ラグビー部。しかし、誰も気付かぬ間に、チームにはある危機が迫っていた。ページをめくる毎に少年たちは成長する――王道青春高校ラグビー漫画!!
ALL OUT!!(7)

ALL OUT!!(7)


ラグビーの聖地・菅平での夏合宿開始! 神高ラグビー部は練習試合の初戦で大阪ベスト8の天竺工科高校とぶつかる。日本屈指のラグビー激戦区でもまれる強豪相手にどう立ち向かうのか――!? いま大注目の王道・青春・高校ラグビー漫画!
ALL OUT!!(4)

ALL OUT!!(4)


あんたは彼らに「よーいドン」を言う義務がある――無気力な顧問・吉田が見守る中、神奈川2位の強豪・東道大相模との練習試合に臨む神高ラグビー部。吉田と部員の確執、そして試合の行方は――!? これがスポーツ漫画の新王道! 話題沸騰の高校ラグビー漫画!!
ALL OUT!!(5)

ALL OUT!!(5)


ALL OUT!!(8)

ALL OUT!!(8)


2016年、“ラグビー漫画”として史上初のTVアニメ化で話題沸騰! 夏合宿初戦で大阪ベスト8の強豪・天竺工科高校を相手に、チーム一丸となって戦う神高がリードを奪う! だが、副将の熱い思いが停滞する天竺の空気を変え――!? 大注目の王道・青春・高校ラグビー漫画、激動の第8巻!! ※TVアニメ主要キャスト:祇園健次役/千葉翔也・石清水澄明役/安達勇人・赤山濯也役/細谷佳正・八王子睦役/逢坂良太
ALL OUT!!(10)

ALL OUT!!(10)


TVアニメは2016年10月よりTOKYO MX、MBS、BS11ほかにて放送開始! 菅平での夏合宿最終日。神高は嶺蔭学園の2軍と対戦し、リードを奪ったまま試合は進む。だが、後半に嶺蔭のエース・残波琉人が登場し――!? 熱き戦いを繰り広げた菅平合宿編、ついに完結!! 読むと絶対に熱くなる、王道・青春・高校ラグビー漫画、第10巻!!
ALL OUT!!(9)

ALL OUT!!(9)


“ラグビー漫画”史上初! TVアニメは2016年秋放送開始!! 菅平高原で夏合宿中の神高ラグビー部は最終日に神奈川王者・嶺蔭学園の2軍と対戦することに。1軍の霧島兄弟を引きずり出してやると闘志を燃やす祇園たちだが、一部の神高メンバーに異変が――!? 読むと絶対に熱くなる、王道・青春・高校ラグビー漫画、第9巻!!
ALL OUT!!(11)

ALL OUT!!(11)


ラグビーの聖地・花園につながる戦いは神奈川県予選の組み合わせが決定。慶常などのライバル校に勝つため、神高ラグビー部は練習に励む。その一方で、赤山と松尾の確執は――!? 波乱を含みながら、花園予選編開幕!
ALL OUT!!(12)

ALL OUT!!(12)


ALL OUT!!(13)

ALL OUT!!(13)


ALL OUT!!(14)

ALL OUT!!(14)


神奈川県予選の2回戦で神高は平塚学院と対戦。見ためのチャラさとは裏腹に、巧みに反則を誘う相手の戦術に苦戦を強いられる。途中出場の松尾の活躍もあり、徐々に流れをつかみかけた神高だが、後半開始早々に主将の赤山が一時退場となってしまい…。この危機的な状況の中、神高は流れを変えられるのか!? 読むと絶対に熱くなる、王道・青春・高校ラグビー漫画最新巻!
Inside Out

Inside Out

著:Demi Moore


A Daily Mail Book of the Year. A Mail on Sunday Book of the Year.

Famed American actress Demi Moore at last tells her own story in a surprisingly intimate and emotionally charged memoir.

For decades, Demi Moore has been synonymous with celebrity. From iconic film roles to high-profile relationships, Moore has never been far from the spotlight – or the headlines.

Even as Demi was becoming the highest paid actress in Hollywood, however, she was always outrunning her past, just one step ahead of the doubts and insecurities that defined her childhood. Throughout her rise to fame and during some of the most pivotal moments of her life, Demi battled addiction, body image issues, and childhood trauma that would follow her for years – all while juggling a skyrocketing career and at times negative public perception. As her success grew, Demi found herself questioning if she belonged in Hollywood, if she was a good mother, a good actress – and, always, if she was simply good enough.

As much as her story is about adversity, it is also about tremendous resilience. In this deeply candid and reflective memoir, Demi pulls back the curtain and opens up about her career and personal life – laying bare her tumultuous relationship with her mother, her marriages, her struggles balancing stardom with raising a family, and her journey toward open heartedness. Inside Out is a story of survival, success, and surrender – a wrenchingly honest portrayal of one woman’s at once ordinary and iconic life.

About the author

Demi Moore is an actress, producer, director and activist. She is known for her roles in St. Elmo’s Fire, About Last Night, Ghost, A Few Good Men, Indecent Proposal, G.I. Jane, Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle, Margin Call, among many others. Moore is also a co-founder of Thorn, a non-profit that builds technology to defend children from sexual abuse, exploitation and trafficking. She lives in Los Angeles and Hailey, Idaho.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower

The Perks of Being a Wallflower


“A timeless story for every young person who needs to understand that they are not alone.” —Judy Blume

“Once in a while, a novel comes along that becomes a generational touchstone. The Perks of Being a Wallflower is one of those books.” —R. J. Palacio, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Wonder

This #1 New York Times bestselling coming-of-age story with millions of copies in print takes a sometimes heartbreaking, often hysterical, and always honest look at high school in all its glory.

The critically acclaimed debut novel from Stephen Chbosky follows observant “wallflower” Charlie as he charts a course through the strange world between adolescence and adulthood. First dates, family drama, and new friends. Sex, drugs, and The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Devastating loss, young love, and life on the fringes. Caught between trying to live his life and trying to run from it, Charlie must learn to navigate those wild and poignant roller-coaster days known as growing up.

A #1 New York Times bestseller for more than a year, adapted into a major motion picture starring Logan Lerman and Emma Watson (and written and directed by the author), and an American Library Association Best Book for Young Adults (2000) and Best Book for Reluctant Readers (2000), this novel for teen readers (or wallflowers of more-advanced age) will make you laugh, cry, and perhaps feel nostalgic for those moments when you, too, tiptoed onto the dance floor of life.
ALL OUT!!(12)  限定版

ALL OUT!!(12) 限定版


大ボリューム64ページの小冊子付き限定版! ここでしか見れないらくがき多数!! 本編では描かれないキャラクターの一面や、意外な関係性がたっぷり堪能できます!!! 本編では“負けたら終わり”の神奈川県予選、初戦の望ヶ丘戦が白熱!! “花園”に向け歩みを進めるのは、ジンコーか、望ヶ丘か!? ※本編は通常版と同じものです。
Out of the Past (Heritage Time Travel Romance Series, Book 1 PG-13 All Iowa Edition)

Out of the Past (Heritage Time Travel Romance Series, Book 1 PG-13 All Iowa Edition)

著:Dana Roquet

PG-13 VERSION. ORIGINAL WITH SEXUAL CONTENT ALSO FREE ON SMSHWORDS. Torie Mills is beautiful, successful and a New York Times best-selling historical romance author. Determined to find some solace from her fast paced and demanding life, she decides to move to Mahaska County, Iowa--a mile outside of the tiny town of Fremont and into her great-great-grandparent's old homestead. Her plan is to restore the property to its 1870 glory days.

She hires handsome, renovation expert Dave Cameron to do the work and together they bring the old Victorian house back to life. When Torie moves in, she discovers that restoring the house has opened a portal into the past. Time traveling each night to the Fremont of old, becomes her wonderful escape and her secret obsession as she learns about family, loss and to cherish the moments, from her long lost loved ones.

When she and Dave become lovers, he gets swept into the travels as well--until they both realize, much too late, that there was evil in the past that would have been better left alone...
Bob Dylan All the Songs

Bob Dylan All the Songs

著:Philippe Margotin & Jean-Michel Guesdon

The most comprehensive account of Bob Dylan's Nobel Prize-winning work yet published, with the full story of every recording session, every album, and every single released during his nearly 60-year career.

Bob Dylan: All the Songs focuses on Dylan's creative process and his organic, unencumbered style of recording. It is the only book to tell the stories, many unfamiliar even to his most fervent fans, behind the more than 500 songs he has released over the span of his career. Organized chronologically by album, Margotin and Guesdon detail the origins of his melodies and lyrics, his process in the recording studio, the instruments he used, and the contribution of a myriad of musicians and producers to his canon.
It All Comes Out in the Wash

It All Comes Out in the Wash

著:Sophia Watson

With a combination of farm folks, hippie artisans and high-end jet setter tourists -- the chance for intrigue is always present in Silver Lake.

This is the first book in The Silver Lake Cozy Mystery Series featuring Asia Reynolds (a documentary filmmaker), Elise Snuggles (an African-American cable news person), Sgt. Sheila Rodriguez (local police) and Frankie Franklin (an elderly African-American woman who owns her own private animal rescue and rib shack).

Located on the border of Missouri and Illinois across from Mingo Wildlife Refuge - smackdab on the shores of the mighty Mississippi River - Silver Lake, Illinois is a tourist/farm area next to Cape Girardeau.This little town offers whitewater rafting, hot air balloon rides, bungee jumping, fishing, hunting, camping, winter sports and tours of the nearby Ozarks and Meramec Caverns. Asia, Sheila, Elise and their faithful animal friends work together to keep the peace of this bucolic rural area.
The Philosophy of Modern Song

The Philosophy of Modern Song


The Philosophy of Modern Song is Bob Dylan’s first book of new writing since 2004’s Chronicles: Volume One—and since winning the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2016.

Dylan, who began working on the book in 2010, offers his extraordinary insight into the nature of popular music. He writes over sixty essays focusing on songs by other artists, spanning from Stephen Foster to Elvis Costello, and in between ranging from Hank Williams to Nina Simone. He analyzes what he calls the trap of easy rhymes, breaks down how the addition of a single syllable can diminish a song, and even explains how bluegrass relates to heavy metal. These essays are written in Dylan’s unique prose. They are mysterious and mercurial, poignant and profound, and often laugh-out-loud funny. And while they are ostensibly about music, they are really meditations and reflections on the human condition. Running throughout the book are nearly 150 carefully curated photos as well as a series of dream-like riffs that, taken together, resemble an epic poem and add to the work’s transcendence.

In 2020, with the release of his outstanding album Rough and Rowdy Ways, Dylan became the first artist to have an album hit the Billboard Top 40 in each decade since the 1960s. The Philosophy of Modern Song contains much of what he has learned about his craft in all those years, and like everything that Dylan does, it is a momentous artistic achievement.
ALL OUT!!(16)

ALL OUT!!(16)


ALL OUT!!(1)

ALL OUT!!(1)


背が小さいことを気にしている祇園健次(ぎおんけんじ)は神奈川高校(ジンコー)の入学式当日、長身の石清水(いわしみず)と、ひとつの球技に出会う。その球技とは――ラグビー。凸凹コンビが紡ぐ青春楕円物語、ここに開幕!! 男たちの熱いドラマを描く名手・かわぐちかいじも賞賛の本格高校ラグビー漫画!!
ALL OUT!!(17)

ALL OUT!!(17)


ALL OUT!!(15)

ALL OUT!!(15)


All Out

All Out

著:Kevin Newman & Alex Newman

Can a man with a demanding job really be a good father? All Out is a bracingly honest answer from Emmy and Gemini Award-winning anchorman Kevin Newman and his grown son, Alex. Confessional and provocative, their memoir is also a touching meditation on ambition, absence and family that will resonate with every parent and child who've ever struggled to connect and understand each other. 
Kevin Newman wanted to be a family man in an era when fathers are expected to be more engaged than ever before; he also wanted to reach the top of a profession that demands 24/7 commitment. The higher he climbed, the more irreconcilable those aspirations seemed. Meanwhile, his artistic, solitary son, Alex, was wrestling with his own competing ambitions: to be the sporty, popular son his dad wanted, and to be true to himself. Paradoxically, their attempts to live up to expectations--their own, and each other's--were driving them apart. Then, two parallel identity crises forced a reckoning. Kevin reached the summit of American network television, becoming co-host of Good Morning America--where he was instructed to develop a "quarterback" persona and change his accent, mannerisms, personality, hairstyle and everything else that made him Kevin. At the same time, Alex was realizing he was gay, but frantically trying to mask and change that fact. Both felt like failures and hungered for one another's approval, but didn't know how to bridge their differences. Today, a decade later, they retrace their steps (and missteps) to reinventing their relationship and becoming one another's role models for what it means to be a man in our culture. All Out is a moving chronicle of all the ways that fathers and sons misunderstand and disappoint one another--and a powerful reminder that they can become closer not despite their differences, but because of them.

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