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海野十三、H・G・ウエルズ、カレル・チャペックや東西のSF御三家など、16人の作家に敬意を込めて捧げられたオムニバス! 各話7ページで描かれた、まさに石ノ森章太郎版のショート・ショート! 表題作の他、『ミステークゾーン』『四帖半襖の下張の下』『おしいれ』『孤独な手紙』『バミューダトライアングル』『動物章図鑑』『SEX史』を収録した、ちょっとエッチでナンセンスな秘蔵短編集!
Les 7P du marketing

Les 7P du marketing

著:Peter Lanore

Maîtrisez les fondamentaux du marketing avec les 7P. Ce livre vous guidera à travers les aspects essentiels du marketing mix, en mettant l'accent sur la création d'une stratégie de marketing efficace. Apprenez comment positionner votre produit, définir votre public cible et communiquer de manière percutante pour atteindre vos objectifs commerciaux.
The 7P's of Success

The 7P's of Success

著:David Oliver

“A Must-Read Book”!!! 
Would you like to take a step into your destiny???
Would you like to thrive & prosper and not just survive???
Would you like to start winning again or for the first time at life & living???
Have you hit the proverbial wall – feeling stuck – going nowhere fast???
Are you looking for a “sure-fire” way to get to the top of your game and stay there???
Do you feel like your childhood dreams have passed you by???
Would you like to start living life on purpose & with passion???
Are you ready to start living again – for the first time???
Are you ready to step out of the boat of misery, mediocrity, & complacency???

If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, then this book is “A Must-Read Book”!!! 

David Oliver is currently pursuing his Master of Divinity at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia with a focus in Homiletics and Leadership. He got his Bachelor of Administration in Business Management from the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida. He loves to spend time with family and friends & he enjoys playing sports, competing, coaching, exercising, the outdoors, traveling, and meeting new people. He looks forward to meeting the love of his life, settling down, & getting married.
暗殺者ロシアンブルー 完全版・中【番外編7P収録】

暗殺者ロシアンブルー 完全版・中【番外編7P収録】

著:粧妃 & 葉月

【連載第5~8話+描き下ろし番外編「雨音―続―」7ページ収録。大満足の完全版・中巻!!】闇から闇へ葬り去られる上流階級の悪事……。正義の裁きを下せるのは元軍人の「美しき死神」ただ一人! 京都屈指の名家の未亡人主催の晩餐会に招待された美貌の弁護士“沖田忠男”。そこで会った医学部教授の懊悩とは……!? Renta!殿堂入り粧妃先生の最新作/インテリ幹部ヤクザ×美形の殺し屋のミステリBL!!

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